Bee gees stayin alive youtube

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Bee gees stayin alive youtube

In 2004, "Stayin' Alive" was placed at number 189 on the list of Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. It is one of the Bee Gees' signature songs. 9 on AFI's 100 Years...1

"Stayin' Alive" is a song written and performed by the Bee Gees from the Saturday Night Fever motion picture soundtrack. The Bee Gees, originally made up of three brothers: Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb (died 2012), and … The Bee Gees, originally made up of three brothers: Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb (died 2012), and …
The band co-produced the song with Albhy Galuten and Karl Richardson. In 2004, it ranked No.

The song was released on 13 December 1977 as the second single from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. Stayin' Alive is a 1977 disco single written by the Bee Gees which peaked at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and remained there for 4 weeks!

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Bee gees stayin alive youtube