White album routes

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White album routes

Very good job V!Excellent guide, I plat in both (Ps3/PsVita) without problens.I heard auto skip is advised for trophy to pop tho.You currently have javascript disabled. Firstly, the visual novel will throw you into a love triangle situation and you have to see through the end while being unable to do anything. You will also start off with the common route in coda. However, being popular isn't easy as she needs to put on that mask called 'Ogiso Setsuna' when she is outside.

White Album 2 is an easy Visual Novel.

Also she is cute af. Takes about 4 to 5 hours.As if to match the guitar I play in the afternoon music classroom. And spring eventually comes, melting the snow and imposing all punishments.I'm not really into heroines that are too old but for Mari, she has a exceptionally cute side to her especially when she gets shy.Koharu is basically the same as Haruki just that she is more stubborn than him.

He literally repeated the mistake he did in the introductory chapter on coda. The Introductory Chapter, Closing Chapter and Coda.Is there a way to have a completed progress downloadedCoda: There are 3 routes in coda. Oh well if he isn't indecisive, there wouldn't be white Album 2 :smiley: .Imagine that you are in a cake store and there's a chocolate cake and a strawberry cake but you can only afford one of the two cakes, which one will you choose? I will also not go into details but imagine that you got invited to a wedding with your lover being the bride and the groom being your rival.

As if to match the piano someone plays in the next room. Her strength are being able to multi task and is also a fast learner just like Haruki. The pacing of this route is slightly slower than Kazusa Normal but is compensated greatly by the ending. In my opinion, this route's ending felt pretty forced.Coda: takes place 2 years after Setsuna's route in the closing chapter where they reconcile and got into a relationship. I believe 4 hours is okay. So I decided to downloaded the visual novel but found out that it isn't fully translated so I used machine translation to translate it(it was fucking bad I don't suggest using it, learn how to read romanji or japanese). In this chapter you are able to select choices.Name: ホワイトアルバム 2, White Album 2Introductory Chapters: No Routes. Her strength is being able to play every instrument well especially the piano. The first part of the series, named White Album 2: Introductory Chapter, was released on March 26, 2010.. So in this chapter you cannot select any choices.Mari have a senpai and caring personality. Most of their OST are played using the guitar and piano as these two instruments represents Haruki and Kazusa. White Album 2 has the same setting but instead of choosing over two cakes, you are choosing over two girls.Information of the Visual NovelChiaki went to the same university and is in the same course as Haruki. In my opinion, this is how White Album 2 should have ended.The Visual Novel(Story and H): 85% Story 15% HWhite Album 2 is basically a love triangle visual novel. The pacing on her route better than Mari's as it contains more emotional scenes. Also when I first saw her before I play the visual, I mistaken her for Kazusa, they really look alike :/. Her mother, a world class pianist did not bought Kazusa to Vienna, instead she left her in Japan and that caused Kazusa to become like this.After, he screws everything up in the introductory chapter, he isolated himself from everyone and became a workaholic.

The falling snow covers all sins. Several functions may not work. Then later on, I found out that she is really really cute when she gets shy. He is also the class monitor and helps people out when they need help. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality.When you start a new game after clearing a route, you can skip the entire prologue without watching/skipping it.I believe PS3 version is quicker than 8 hours too.But yeah those are exceptions with real nice save management. I will not give too much details about this route but i will tell you that it's literally repeating what happened in the introductory chapter. [DB-ANN] White Album (2009) (TV Series, 2009) Description.

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