don't be smart with me

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17 czerwca 2020
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don't be smart with me

「意味」生意気なことを言わないで。 ※今日の英語,smart は「利口な」、「賢い」という意味がありますが、このフレーズのsmart は「(人の言動が)生意気な」という意味です。 Clive . me: don't get smart with me. Mean Machine (2001) Don't you get fuckin' smart with me. You understand? Friends (1994) - S06E13 … 2.2 secs. 4 secs. Extremely smart people don’t watch much TV, don’t spend all day scrolling through Facebook, and don’t bother with the same repetitive material the rest of the world ingests on a daily basis.Whatever I read, I test. don't get smart with meunknown. Mother: I know all about that! Don't get smart with me, you motherless dirtbag! -Yes, ma'am.

example: rude person: you need to scoot over. to become fresh with someone; to talk back to someone. No matter where the conversation goes, they can add something of value — or at the very least, contribute a fun fact here or there.Not to mention, the more you know about lots of things, the more you can apply to “one thing.”Trust me, if two equally capable scientists are standing next to each other but one of them knows how to dress well, plays the guitar, and knows who won the World Series last year, that person isn’t seen as just “extremely smart,” they’re practically seen as a “genius.”If I don’t know how something works, I’ll go try it for myself.Are at least 3 of them smarter than you?You have to always keep the mentality that you “know what you don’t know,” and then spend the time working on what you don’t know — instead of reinforcing what you already know.For example, I’m extremely knowledgeable about music, but I know close to nothing about geography or history. To tell you the truth, I’m not really that smart — in comparison to the people I spend the most time with. If I read a book about time management and I like the idea of it, I’ll try structuring my days that way for 2 weeks just to see how it works out.If I read about a new marketing strategy that’s interesting, I’ll launch something of my own to play around with the concept.You have to be prepared to treat your time wisely and primarily spend it with people who are worthwhile.If there’s one thing I’ve learned about intelligence it’s that very few people are born “extremely smart.”Whatever your primary knowledge bases are, great, keep those, but supplement them with other random stuff too.Extremely smart people read about what they want to know about, from people smarter than them.But the truth is, 99% of the “extremely smart” people in the world weren’t born extremely smart. Sep 29 2008 19:56:14. a phrase in response when someone is being rude or coming off as impolite. Don't get smart with me. rude person: … (聞きたくないよ。これは僕の人生なんだ。) A.Don't get smart with me. If you get smart again, I'll bop you." get smart (with someone) Fig. This is my life. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. If you get smart again, I'll bop you." As a result, a lot of people think I’m extremely smart, that I’m “successful” in some way. BLINDFOLD ch.42: Life is pain; BLINDFOLD ch.43: So don't do that! Clive; Hi, Clive Do you mean 'Don't be rude to me'? Don't Get Smart With Me? If someone asked me at a party who the 5th president of the United States was, I would have no answer.You believe the person who has lived it, has endured it, has learned something and then sought to know it deeper.

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