Derek Sivers: how to start a movement

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Derek Sivers: how to start a movement

Everyone needs to see the followers, because new followers emulate followers — not the leader.We’re told we all need to be leaders, but that would be really ineffective.When you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first person to stand up and join in. They call it “How to Start a Movement” ) Click here to download the video. (Hint: it takes two.) Make sure outsiders see more than just the leader. With help from some surprising footage, Derek Sivers explains how movements really get started. Notice the leader embraces him as an equal, so it’s not about the leader anymore — it’s about them, plural. About this event: 1.Introduction Introduction of TED、TEDxEvent、TEDxUniversity Play TEDtalk [Derek.Sivers How to start a movement] 2.Break-the-ice activity 3. Derek Sivers: ( I gave this short 3-minute talk at the TED Conference yesterday and got a standing ovation! If you really care about starting a movement, have the courage to follow and show others how to follow. And what a perfect placeto do that, at TED.© TED Conferences, LLC.

Now we’ve got a movement!A leader needs the guts to stand alone and look ridiculous. Summary.

Presentations → Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy Length: 3 minutes. First at the guy, then at the reaction.

Everyone needs to see the followers, because new followers emulate followers — not the leader.We’re told we all need to be leaders, but that would be really ineffective.When you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first person to stand up and join in.

If you’ve learned a lot about leadership and making a movement, then let’s watch a movement happen, start to finish, in under 3 minutes, and dissect some lessons:As more people jump in, it’s no longer risky. Over the next minute you’ll see the rest who prefer to be part of the crowd, because eventually they’d be ridiculed for not joining.There is no movement without the first follower.Now comes the first follower with a crucial role: he publicly shows everyone how to follow. The transcript of this TED talk is provided below as well as instructions for how you can watch the video with subtitles.This can be helpful for understanding the video, practicing listening comprehension and learning new words as well. Now we’ve got momentum. What he's doing is so easy to follow.

Speaker. Derek shows a video of a crowd forming around a single shirtless dancer (the leader). The first follower is what transformsa lone nut into a leader.Ladies and gentlemen, at TEDwe talk a lot about leadership and how to make a movement. How to start a movement | Derek Sivers - Duration: 5:42. This is key. Three is a crowd and a crowd is news.If you are a version of the shirtless dancing guy, all alone, remember the importance of nurturing your first few followers as equals, making everything clearly about the movement, not you.And ladies and gentlemen that is how a movement is made! Notice the leader embraces him as an equal, so it’s not about the leader anymore — it’s about them, plural. TED Talk Transcript Derek Sivers: How to Start a Movement. But what he’s doing is so simple, it’s almost instructional. Here's his first followerwith a crucial role; he's going to show everyoneelse how to follow.So, over the next minute, you'll see all of those that preferto stick with the crowd because eventually they would beridiculed for not joining in. Derek Sivers. (Hint: it takes two.) Being an analytical learning-addict, I can’t help but distill some lessons from this “Guy Starts Dance Party” video taken last week. Now we've got a movement.Now, notice that the leaderembraces him as an equal. You must be easy to follow! Now, if you notice that the first follower is actually an underestimated formof leadership in itself. Now it’s not a lone nut, and it’s not two nuts. Description from With help from some surprising footage, Derek Sivers explains how movements really get started. Notice he’s calling to his friends to join in.The second follower is a turning point: it’s proof the first has done well. … If they were on the fence before, there’s no reason not to join now. First follower. Through his new project, MuckWork Articles: How to make a movement. And when you find a lone nutdoing something great, have the guts to be the first oneto stand up and join in. TED Recommended for you. Derek Sivers 8,855,263 views • 3:09. This is the tipping point! The video is provided here again with English subtitles. Now we've got momentum.This is the tipping point. Lessons learned from dancing guy. He dances alone for a while, then someone else comes forward.

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Derek Sivers: how to start a movement