Akerun Smart Lock Robot

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17 czerwca 2020
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Akerun Smart Lock Robot

This shares information, such as the device’s operation status and settings, with Photosynth’s customer-support staff so that they can identify the cause of the problem and rapidly respond.“I try to future-proof our products so that we can introduce new features and improvements through software updates,” he says. These efforts sometimes conflict with each other, so Sekiya’s aim is to find the best balance to optimize as a whole.


You can also share your digital key with others via your respective devices. Akerun Smart Lock Robotが変な音がして正常に稼働しない、または動くが錠を回してくれない オートロック機能とは? スマホ紛失、電池が切れた、Akerunが動かない場合はどうすればいいですか? And if an employee forgets his or her key, another employee can open the lock from anywhere.

“Keys” can be issued that are only usable during specified times and dates or on certain days of the week, which makes it easy to provide access for a limited time or for part-time workers that require entry only on certain days.Troubleshooting for products installed by users can also be performed remotely.

All operations are logged, and being able to check information such as who is coming and going and whether doors are locked lends an extra sense of security.Tatsuhiko Sekiya, who designed the Akerun, has a background in smartphone design and strives to craft products with the ethos “make it small, and ship it quickly.” For mass-production products like the Akerun, he tries to minimize the number of parts, simplify the structure of the mold, and make it simpler to assemble.

Courtesy Photosynth Inc.Akerun Pro units can be linked with the Akerun Manager System web service to grant users various access privileges, as well as set up and control locks remotely. Akerun Smart Lock Robot - Say goodbye to one of the lest vestiges of the analog world! I can do this remotely and easily, streamlining the improvement process. Access logs are also kept, allowing management and review of room entry and exit. This means the accessory can be operated just by opening a web browser. Akerun Smart Lock Robot version 1.2.3: Security vulnerabilities, exploits, vulnerability statistics, CVSS scores and references (e.g. “In my own work, it is getting easier and easier to use. Smart Lock Robot [Akerun] Business Owner Photosynth Inc. Category Fixtures for housing Company Photosynth Inc. (Japan) Award Number 15G050540 Outline of Good Design Award winners Outline of Good Design Award winners 2015 Outline * The shown information is the one as of the awarded date and might has been changed. This ease of installation/removal is not only valued by homeowners but also an attractive feature for small businesses in Japan, which are reticent to invest in expensive access-management systems.An Akerun Pro and card reader installed on a door. In the span of just six months, the Japanese startup formulated the idea for a smart door lock, controllable by PC or smartphone, and started shipping its first mass-produced units. スマートロックの比較記事ですが、今回はスマートロックロボット「Akerun(あけるん)」との比較です。スマートロックの導入を検討されている方向けに、専門家としてスマートロック中の人がAkeruntとRemoteLOCKの比較をしてみました。 It also has an active user community, and whenever I post a question, someone always has an answer. Sekiya’s challenge is to place more parts in a smaller package. Courtesy Photosynth Inc.The Akerun Remote is a network-enabled, WiFi-compatible IoT gateway.

The Akerun Smart Lock Robot allows you to unlock a door when you are close to it just by using your phone. For instance, the Akerun is designed to allow the existing key system to still function, so it has to include a sensor for each mechanism (the motor and the key) to detect if the door is open or closed. Courtesy Photosynth Inc.The Akerun Pro starter kit includes one main unit, two card readers, and a door sensor for enabling auto-lock functionality. The community really comes in handy in a pinch.”Because a lock can be monitored and operated remotely, it is easy to check if a door was left unlocked, even while away from the office. Users needing help can send their Akerun Pro usage status to Photosynth through the product’s app. For example, if there was a request to change the color of the access light, I just make the modifications on the cloud. The latest firmware is always loaded to the web app, so there is no need to make changes at the factory.”“Fusion 360 is always getting updated and functions are being added at a rapid pace,” Sekiya says. The jig for writing to the motherboard connects to a PC, and a web app operated from the PC serves as the control software. : CVE-2009-1234 or 2010-1234 or 20101234) Log In Register Installing the device requires no major construction, such as replacing doors or putting holes in walls; the Akerun fits over the door’s inside thumb-turn lock (which engages the deadbolt) and is held in place with a special adhesive. Akerun – Smart Lock Robot 未分類 , Design , concept , IoT Akerun is a smart lock system that enables you to unlock the door when you get close to it (with your smartphone with you) and share the key ‘digitally’ with specific people.

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