My Only Dream

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17 czerwca 2020
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My Only Dream

Stephen Butler LeacockDreams are the seedlings of realities. Patience is the gatekeeper. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. This thread is archived. 10. They want to attain big heights what feel that they are just ordinary people and cannot get there and their belief that they are ordinary actually turns into their reality.“Create the highest grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe”. Dr. SeussYou give up your dreams by always deciding to pursue them tomorrow. It is embedded in my nature.

When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality.

I have never been very good when it came to verbal communication. Jean Shinoda BolenThe best love affairs are those we never had. My Dream Essay – 2 (300 words) It is rightly said, “Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears”. Gloria SteinemConsult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. What was it? Dream. F. Scott FitzgeraldThat which is dreamed can never be lost, can never be undreamed. They remind us that we have a choice.

Make it count. Shannon HoonTrust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity. The hustle is sold separately.

However, this is the catch! Cecília MeirelesA goal is a dream with a deadline.

4 comments. Taking one step at a time always helps rather than rushing into it all at once. Stefán Karl StefánssonYou don’t let your dreams happen, you make them happen. Likewise, if you doubt your dreams and aspirations, fear dreaming big and dwell on negativity that is what you will attract in life. Marcel ProustDreaming is hoping. H. L. MenckenYou were born with potential. Paulo CoelhoThe future starts today, not tomorrow.

Your sky. It is hard for me to communicate my feelings verbally however it is quite easy for me to pen them down. ThibautImagination is the soul’s happiest retreat.
Gary Keller (The ONE Thing)Let your dreams be your wings. And then in solitude, in the opium den of remembrance, the possibility of pleasure again. That means you have infinite potential. Be it our parents, spouse, kids, siblings, cousins or friends – each relationship plays a significant role in our life. Follow other people’s dreams; you can make money but will never be rich. Milan KunderaYou see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’ George Bernard ShawWe grow great by dreams.

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