Desire for recognition

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17 czerwca 2020
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Desire for recognition

The corridors of history are littered with much destruction,... Biblical example - Simon the sorcerer. Summarising these findings, Honneth (ibid: 132) proclaims that ‘subjects perceive institutional procedures as social injustice when they see aspects of their personality being disrespected which they believe they have a right to recognition’.According to Fraser, both these forms of injustice are primary and co-original, meaning that economic inequality cannot be reduced to cultural misrecognition, and vice-versa. A king who demands recognition of his superiority from all his subjects, simply in virtue of his being king, and threatens to punish them if they disobey, does not receive any meaningful kind of recognition for the subjects do not genuinely choose to confer value on him. In turn, we are made to feel like an object within the gaze of the other. Would our accomplishments be any less significant if no one knew?

Deploying a brief historical narrative, Taylor argues that the collapse of social hierarchies, which had provided the basis for bestowing honour on certain individuals (that is, those high up on the social ladder), led to the modern day notion of dignity, which rests upon universalist and egalitarian principles regarding the equal worth of all human beings. In articulating it, I am also defining myself’ (ibid: 31).To give an example, discussed by Appiah (1994) in his response to Taylor’s essay on recognition, the construction of a black politics in which black identity is celebrated can provide a sense of self-worth and dignity amongst historically denigrated black communities.

Neither the total incorporation of the other into the perspective of the recognisee, nor the reduction of the other to pure object, is possible on a hermeneutic account of meaning and understanding.Perhaps the one most frequently voiced criticism is that regarding the reification of group identity. The first is ‘affirmation’, which incorporates any action which corrects ‘inequitable outcomes of social arrangements without disturbing the underlying framework that generates them’ (ibid: 23). From landing a new job or running a marathon to potty training your toddler, post your big and small milestones online and you are bound to receive many congratulations. In fact, we are moving away from God and even opposing Him. Whenever we harbour wrongful aspirations for power and recognition, it becomes an issue in the spiritual realm because it means our hearts are not aligned along God’s purposes. It was only in the 1990s that theorists formulated a comprehensive account of recognition as a foundational concept within theories of justice. As noted in Section III, Fraser believes that recognition and distribution are two irreducible elements of a satisfactory theory of justice. Hard work is still worth it. The need for healthy recognition. Consequently, the critical tension between the individual and community is dissolved, which leaves little (if any) space for critiquing or resisting the dominant norms and values of one’s community (see also Habermas, 1991: 271).Much contemporary interest in recognition was undoubtedly fuelled by Charles Taylor’s essay ‘Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition’ (1994), first published in 1992. ‘The Structure of Desire and Recognition: Self-consciousness and Self-Constitution’. Multicultural politics is rooted in the identity politics underlying various social movements that gained prominence during the 1960s, such as the civil rights movement and radical/cultural feminism. One key aspect of this transformative approach is that, unlike the affirmative approach which aims to alter only one particular group’s sense of worth or material situation, it would change everyone’s sense of self. Individuals exist as members of a community based upon a shared horizon of meanings, norms and values. The transition from desire to recognition is explicated as a transition from the tripartite structure of want and fulfillment of biological desire to a socially structured recognition that is achieved only in reciprocal recognition, or reflexive recognition. Philosophy & Social Criticism.

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