Routing Error No route matches (GET)

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Routing Error No route matches (GET)

2. Rails Routing Error? Launch your product business way faster with our SaaS template.Join 35,498+ developers who get early access to new tutorials, screencasts, articles, and more.© 2020 GoRails, LLC. !

'No route matches' Ask Question Asked 7 years, 11 months ago.
(Aside from that, the Rails.application.routes trick is useful for verifying paths in the console! Viewed 21k times 10.

Ohh!! Thanks. yes, reassign to Satellite. how silly i am..answer is always in front of me and i am just looking here and there..actually i have always pressed first letter of url like "l" in the URl bar since it automatically gives all the suggestions and by doing that i never bothered about URL..thanks a lot..problem solved!!!

All rights reserved.Accept subscription and one-time payments with Stripe in your Rails appsNot sure what I'm missing here, any help would be appreciated.A weekly podcast on web development and building products with Ruby, Rails, Javascript, and more.You’re not receiving notifications from this thread.Cheap, easy hosting for Ruby and Rails apps.Building a simplified version of Instagram is a great way to learn Rails.I have created a form but I'm having issues submitting the form, it's not getting the right route, I'm sure this is a simple fix, I'm just not seeing it.Expert advice on keeping Rails apps organized and fast. Want to stay up-to-date with Ruby on Rails? I tried running rake routes and I can see that the route exists:What's odd is that I built a fresh project with a routing file that simply reads:When I ran this in the console, I got the same error you're seeing:... but when I run the same thing in a slightly older project, I get:So I keep running into the following error:Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.So I have little confidence that what I'm telling you will make a difference. I don't see this in my log/production.log but if so, it's a not a fusor/rhci issue ROUTING ERROR No route matches "/home/index" with {:method=>:get} Please someone help to resolve.

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Routing Error No route matches (GET)