YouTube new design

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YouTube new design

“We are always striving to make it feel more human.”This approach worked well when the designers had it mocked up on a white wall in their studio and in simple prototype apps. Starting next month, YouTube's new desktop interface will be mandatory, whether you like the redesign or not. “It’s pure chaos.”Along with unifying design, YouTube is working to bring feature parity to different versions of its service. The updated look, known as 'Polymer', features a number of improvements, such as larger thumbnails, faster playlist access, now button icons, and more. The new YouTube Analytics design shows a clear overview of your performance, from your channel as a whole to each specific video. We wanted to make something more unified and cohesive, something that really reads as YouTube,” says Bettig. “A small picture and black bars.”For the last 12 years, YouTube’s logo has been a pair of anachronisms wrapped inside each other. “We felt, because of all that growth, we were missing the mark. A new design is being rolled out to YouTube's worldwide desktop audience right now that brings Google's Material Design style to the video portal. “This thing has taken on a life of its own.”Once they had decided to keep the play button and wordmark, the team set about modernizing them. What started in 2005 as a singular website built for desktop internet users now exists on phones, tablets, game consoles, and, yes, television sets. Like the new logo, the move to Material helps to weave a common design language across an ever-expanding universe of apps. When YouTube started, it had one option: horizontal rectangles. YouTube launched a new design for the service on August 29, 2017, and many people aren’t happy about it. Since YouTube was evolving into a whole family of services, and since it had adapted to fit each screen and video format, Bettig and his team experimented with a dynamic brand. But neither tubes nor TVs are central to the world’s biggest video service, which now reaches over 1.5 billion people each month, streaming to almost any screen with an internet connection.The new font, logo, and color are rolling out today on YouTube’s desktop and mobile app. “The old logo has a typeface from 1903, alternate gothic number two, and it’s been manually tweaked, so there are weird design nerd things that are off. “We wanted to keep the history, and the tension of a media typeface that was made in 1903 to be typeset manually with a digital platform that reaches farther than any newspaper of the time could ever conceive of.” For the play button’s updated color, the team tried to find a grounding in the medium. “Over the years, organically, that play button, that UI element that is front and center on every video, became a brand ambassador, an unofficial shorthand.” In consumer research, the team found there was little difference in recognition between that icon and the word YouTube itself. They settled on #FF0000, “a really pure red that goes to the RGB of video.”If Bettig’s challenge was how to unify the look and feel of YouTube’s ever expanding family of apps, the goal of the product team was to ensure that users got the best experience out of YouTube, even as the number of ways they might use it continues to grow.

Finding gestures that resonate with their audience is the best way for the team to bring cohesion to a service used by 1.5 billion people across hundreds of countries and dozens of languages. The U in Tube is not the same as the U in You, so if you take them and overlay they don’t exactly line up,” said Bettig. The service is also getting a new typeface, color scheme, and a bunch of major changes to the look, feel, and functionality of its desktop and mobile app. It also added the ability to create queues of videos from the homepage.Thank you for signing up to TechRadar. “We started with a website and SD video,” says Manuel Bronstein, the vice president of product management.

“Looking at reds, we wanted to go for something that would tie to video,” Bettig explained. How to Disable New YouTube Layout (Polymer 2019) Google has rolled out a new design for their YouTube video service. This new design has been available to select users but today marks the global launch of it to users from all over the world.

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